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AIROH Airoh Twist 3 Color Helmet Black Matt
AIROH Airoh Twist 3 Color Helmet Black Matt
AIROH Airoh Twist 3 Color Helmet Black Matt
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AIROH Airoh Twist 3 Color Helmet Black Matt

In Stoc

839 RON

629 RON

998 RON

749 RON
TVA inclus

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Descriere Produs

AIROH Airoh Twist 3 Color Helmet Black Matt

Its appearance has been completely revised and renewed not only from an aesthetic point of view but also at a functional and technological level. The decisive and aggressive lines combine perfectly with the ASN and AEFR systems, as well as the preparation for the correct insertion of Bluetooth communication systems, fundamental features that make you even more unstoppable.

Just fasten the DD ring and enjoy your next adventure.

  • ECE 2206 approved.
  • Material: HRT.
  • Retention: DD Ring.
  • Hypoallergenic, removable and washable inner lining.


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